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波浪发电系统最大功率点跟踪控制中,传统粒子群算法存在早熟收敛和局部搜索能力不足问题,为此提出基于模拟退火算法的粒子群优化方案。该算法每次更新粒子的速度和位置时,通过比较当前温度下各个粒子的适配值与随机数的大小,从所有粒子中确定全局最优解的替代值,从而使粒子群算法在发生早熟收敛时能够跳出局部最优并快速找到全局最优解。仿真结果表明,与传统粒子群优化算法相比,模拟退火粒子群算法可有效避免波浪发电系统陷入局部最大功率点,并快速实现全局最大功率跟踪,提高了波浪能捕获率。  相似文献   
复合材料较为广泛应用于航空、航天等工程领域,但对冲击载荷十分敏感。因此,对复合材料结构承受的冲击载荷进行在线监测以及冲击位置的实时识别具有重要意义。文章以复合材料层合板为研究对象,基于两个冲击位置的距离越靠近则接收到信号幅频特性相似度越高的特点,采用FBG光纤光栅传感器,通过小波包变换的方法来提取能量特征向量,同时结合相关系数法来实现复合材料层合板的冲击位置识别。在480 mm×480 mm的复合材料层合板上开展冲击实验,8次实验皆完成了冲击位置识别,其中7个点距离误差为0 mm,实现精准识别,另一个点误差在6%以内。  相似文献   
In this paper, on–off SDRE control approach is presented for spacecraft formation flying control around sun-earth L2 libration point. Orbits around libration points are significant targets for many space missions mainly because of efficient fuel consumption. Furthermore, less propellant usage can be achieved by considering optimal control approaches in spacecraft formation flying control design. Among various nonlinear and optimal control methods, SDRE has shown to be a popular controller in various missions due to the privileges including efficiency, accuracy and robustness. The spacecraft are assumed to have on–off thrusters as actuators. It requires them to be fed with a sequence of on–off pulses which is regarded as a challenge for spacecraft designers. Hence, the main contribution of this paper is designing an on–off SDRE approach for the formation flight around sun-earth L2 point with uncertainty with energy and accuracy considerations. Including on–off input as a constraint is not feasible for SDRE implementation because it makes the system non-affine. An alternative is utilizing an integral action technique and an auxiliary control to make the system affine which leads to on–off SDRE approach. It has also been shown that the proposed method is robust against parametric uncertainties of the states. Present study aims to design an energy-beneficial, simple and attractive controller for a complex nonlinear system with on–off inputs and uncertainty in CRTBP. Simulation results show that the on–off SDRE control could provide the formation flight around L2 point with high accuracy using less energy consumption.  相似文献   
飞行员驾驶疲劳是影响飞行安全的重要因素之一。常用基于人眼识别的方法对飞行员进行疲劳监测,其关键是人眼定位及状态判别。利用改进的平均合成滤波器算法定位人眼,根据模糊综合评价思想,判定人眼睁开闭合状态,根据PERCLOS疲劳检测方法对飞行员进行疲劳监测。实验表明,改进的人眼定位方法具有更高的精确度和鲁棒性,提出的人眼状态判定方法能够满足疲劳监测需要。为最终构建一种机载的、实时的、非接触式的飞行员疲劳监测系统提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
以飞机预冷气引起口为典型构件,对其成型工艺进行探索,选择RTM成型工艺并应用PAM-RTM软件对RTM成型工艺影响参数进行虚拟仿真,确定模具设计的最终参数值.  相似文献   
利用多颗卫星的时差频差对辐射源进行位置和速度的测量,其本质意义上是一个含有噪声项的高度非线性方程组求解问题,针对地面目标而言,可以采用基于WGS-84地球模型作为目标位置和速度约束,更进一步的增加了定位系统的复杂性。提出了一种基于半定规划(SDP)的定位解算法,将非线性方程求解问题通过适当的松弛,转化为半定优化(SDO)的问题,借助于业界较为成熟的CVX等优化软件进行定位求解,并研究了该模型条件下的克拉美罗下界(CRLB)。仿真结果表明,该算法能够较好地逼近克拉美罗下界。  相似文献   
采用预埋缺陷的方法,制备含有面芯脱焊缺陷的高温合金蜂窝板,进行了三点弯曲试验,研究了缺陷形状、大小、位置和蜂窝芯取向对蜂窝板三点弯曲损伤模式和承载能力的影响.研究发现,含面芯脱焊缺陷的蜂窝板在缺陷受压部位产生反向鼓包,并沿着宽度方向扩展为完全破坏;随着缺陷尺寸的增大,蜂窝板承载能力逐渐降低;当缺陷位于三点弯曲受拉面时,蜂窝板具有更高的三点弯曲极限载荷,且矩形缺陷试样的弯曲极限载荷要高于相同缺陷面积的圆形试样.最后,利用LS-DYNA对含圆形缺陷高温合金蜂窝板的三点弯曲性能进行了数值模拟分析,得到其三点弯曲过程中的应力分布状态.  相似文献   
复杂曲面零件的几何特征提取对加工质量的检测及逆向重构具有重要意义。提出了一种复杂曲面零件散乱点云特征点提取方法。首先,提出了基于高斯权重的邻域主成分分析的方法,通过估计每一点邻域的局部变化程度对点云模型进行初始标记;然后,采用基于标记的自动识别法实现特征点的提取;最后,通过特征点聚类的方式去除了特征点集中的异常点,完善了提取的点云特征。该方法直接操作于散乱点云,无需任何的拓扑连接信息。试验结果表明:该方法简单、有效,不需要过多地人为调节参数,特征点提取完整。  相似文献   
航空复杂锻铸件毛坯海量的扫描点集与CAD数模进行精确配准时,由于点集数量巨大数模面也较多,同时点集与数模面之间无任何关联关系,给配准算法带来了巨大的计算量,严重制约加工效率。为提高配准效率,提出一种快速精确配准毛坯点集与CAD数模的自适应方法,即利用配准面提取参与配准的数据点,建立点面之间的一一对应关系,通过对配准面进行分类并不断选取参与配准的特征面及相应的数据点加入配准,直至各面都很好地满足加工要求。最后利用实例验证了本算法的高效性和可靠性。  相似文献   
A study of the evolution of the periodic and the quasi-periodic orbits near the Lagrangian point L2, which is located to the right of the smaller primary on the line joining the primaries and whose distance from the more massive primary is greater than the distance between the primaries, in the framework of restricted three-body problem for the Sun–Jupiter, Earth–Moon (relatively large mass ratio) and Saturn–Titan (relatively small mass ratio) systems is made. Two families of periodic orbits around the smaller primary are identified using the Poincaré surface of section method – family I (initially elliptical, gradually becomes egg-shaped with the increase in the Jacobi constant C and elongated towards the more massive primary) and family II (initially egg-shaped orbits elongated towards L2 and gradually becomes elliptical with the increase in C). The family I in the Sun–Jupiter and Saturn–Titan systems contains two separatrix caused by third-order and fourth-order resonances, while the Earth–Moon system has only one separatrix which is caused by third-order resonances. Also in the Sun–Jupiter and the Saturn–Titan systems, family I merge with family II, around Jacobian constant 3.0393 and 3.0163, respectively, while in the Earth–Moon system, family II evolves separately from two different branches. The two branches merge at C = 3.184515. In the Earth–Moon system, the family II contains a separatrix due to third-order resonances which is absent in the other two systems.  相似文献   
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